Job Detail

Web Dev

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • /wp-content/uploads/2019/03/img-01-2.pngSouth Africa

Project detail

  • Develop software adhering to project plans, deadlines, and coding standards.
  • Develop and maintain high-quality, maintainable systems using efficient and reusable code according to best practices.
  • Use version control effectively and according to best practices, as well as backing up other work according to company standards.
  • Prepare and maintain testing environments, including examples and instructions.
  • Conduct initial testing and assist in developing testing plans.
  • Implement and maintain automated tests and component libraries according to team practices.
  • Analyze systems to identify root causes of issues within a system, develop workarounds, and implement permanent fixes.
  • Deliver thoroughly tested and performance benchmarked work that meets functional requirements before deployment.
  • Deploy changes to the production environment following established procedures.
  • Implement and maintain DevOps processes, including CI/CD pipelines and Infrastructure as Code as applicable to the team.
  • Maintain up to date and accurate code and system level documentation.

Project frequently asked questions

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project